
"We are such stuff as products are made on"

"Know yourself to be a good consumer."
Believe me: I'm no hippie. But today it's not like in the old days gone, when you simply wish you had goods. The importance of desire is still there, as economy driver, but you know: raw materials prices could soon go up and up, and we're not ready for a new World War. Meanwhile, your home is already so filled with stuff that you don't have enough time to throw it away to make room for more, fast enough.

Thanks God, the internet helps us to go beyond the old market of goods and services. By accurately tracking people activity and social transactions, we can now sell personalized "experiences" to everyone: it's a new level of consumerism. Problem: do the masses really know a variety of experiences good enough to sustain such kind of Market? Short answer: no. If you don't know your inner self, if you don't have a fantasy powerful enough, you can't wish a variety of experiences, so the average Joe isn't ready for this new frontier.

Thus we need to focus on the average people existence, and capitalize more deeply those few experiences they wish to have everyday. One of these is the "authentic relationship" experience. We know it's scarcely available these days: since it requires dedication, resources, time and empathy, it's not compatible with consumerist lifestyle.
Though we're not able to simulate it ourselves to sell it like pussy, the next improved social networks could get to manipulate people identities and perception so much that everyone could desire to buy an acceptable "authentic" relationship experience, to consume it whenever they wish.

How? Basically, we just need to complete a job we started long ago: modify our minds so that we can perceive the relationship as an item, something we can have at our disposal to use is at our pleasure, in other words: something ready for the consume.

Even if we proved ourselves godly skilled  in objectifying life and people, this succesful actitivy did not touch our inner struggle for an authentic dialogue within a credible relationship. So we need to continue the work where we left it, and manipulate our perceptions. If it's true, like I believe, that
We are such stuff
As dreams are made on
then the work shouldn't be so difficult. Happiness for everyone, without the need of anyone: a huge, endless Market. A new experience of the Holy is coming. Thank you my Lord, for we can turn evolution into Profit. 


Prosit? Profit!

Prosit was a kind of ancient latin toast, meaning "may it be good for you". Today some people keep using it, though it sounds definitely outdated.

Why not use "Profit" instead? Is there any better greeting?

In the Profitsphere, we're the business

«I'm not in the business. I AM the business»

So do us, lovely Rachel.
Don't worry, you're not alone. Finding words to describe our own identity outside consumerism is as easy as filling our lungs in the empty space. Profit is part of our culture, no man we know lives outside it. No man we could get to know, lives outside the Profitsphere, which is the most proper name for the human cultural system.
Or, at least, it's the only human cultural system that's going to prevail and last.