
"We are such stuff as products are made on"

"Know yourself to be a good consumer."
Believe me: I'm no hippie. But today it's not like in the old days gone, when you simply wish you had goods. The importance of desire is still there, as economy driver, but you know: raw materials prices could soon go up and up, and we're not ready for a new World War. Meanwhile, your home is already so filled with stuff that you don't have enough time to throw it away to make room for more, fast enough.

Thanks God, the internet helps us to go beyond the old market of goods and services. By accurately tracking people activity and social transactions, we can now sell personalized "experiences" to everyone: it's a new level of consumerism. Problem: do the masses really know a variety of experiences good enough to sustain such kind of Market? Short answer: no. If you don't know your inner self, if you don't have a fantasy powerful enough, you can't wish a variety of experiences, so the average Joe isn't ready for this new frontier.

Thus we need to focus on the average people existence, and capitalize more deeply those few experiences they wish to have everyday. One of these is the "authentic relationship" experience. We know it's scarcely available these days: since it requires dedication, resources, time and empathy, it's not compatible with consumerist lifestyle.
Though we're not able to simulate it ourselves to sell it like pussy, the next improved social networks could get to manipulate people identities and perception so much that everyone could desire to buy an acceptable "authentic" relationship experience, to consume it whenever they wish.

How? Basically, we just need to complete a job we started long ago: modify our minds so that we can perceive the relationship as an item, something we can have at our disposal to use is at our pleasure, in other words: something ready for the consume.

Even if we proved ourselves godly skilled  in objectifying life and people, this succesful actitivy did not touch our inner struggle for an authentic dialogue within a credible relationship. So we need to continue the work where we left it, and manipulate our perceptions. If it's true, like I believe, that
We are such stuff
As dreams are made on
then the work shouldn't be so difficult. Happiness for everyone, without the need of anyone: a huge, endless Market. A new experience of the Holy is coming. Thank you my Lord, for we can turn evolution into Profit. 


Prosit? Profit!

Prosit was a kind of ancient latin toast, meaning "may it be good for you". Today some people keep using it, though it sounds definitely outdated.

Why not use "Profit" instead? Is there any better greeting?

In the Profitsphere, we're the business

«I'm not in the business. I AM the business»

So do us, lovely Rachel.
Don't worry, you're not alone. Finding words to describe our own identity outside consumerism is as easy as filling our lungs in the empty space. Profit is part of our culture, no man we know lives outside it. No man we could get to know, lives outside the Profitsphere, which is the most proper name for the human cultural system.
Or, at least, it's the only human cultural system that's going to prevail and last. 


Feeling guilty: Trusted Computing, Greenwashing, and the holy Profit

Trusted Computing and Greenwashing are becoming popular expressions today. What do they have in common?

They refer to advertising practices, which bend the words' real meaning to modify public perception of evil businesses; they also help the consumer forgetting those remorses caused by his permanent activity as free consumerist agent, which certainly implies heavy pollution, economic inequality between poor and rich, the erosion of civil rights, et cetera.

But we need to deny and forget any possible link between morality and consumption: we've already seen that consuming is participating God while He displays his greatness on the Earth. Why feeling guilty about this?

The first men on the earth already had everything they needed to live happily, but our ancestors wanted to live nearer to God: some of them kept filling their days with hours of hard work to profit and buy, again and again, small parts of God's creation, even if it was at their disposal already. The demonstration of this relies in the fact that possessing an object doesn't give us any happiness:, while it's being in the circle of buying (and throwing) forever, which can make us feel so good.
Becoming rich can be seen as a secondary effect of this religious tension, it happens through Profit, but it doesn't mean happiness per se: being rich makes us nearer to God.

As for the title of this post: GreenWashing is appropriate for environmental topics, I'd suggest using TrustMantling / TrustGlazing / ElectrifiedTrust for everything related to Trusted Computing.

And when the Progress will have deepened its roots in men's hearts, one definition could unite all the lies required today in misleading advertisings: "Trusted Trust", a synonim for "God's Love" as something which doesn't require any external validation and is intrisically good. Isnt' trust good? Aren't Profit and Market good?
In example: your coal powerplant pollutes the world for your business? There's no need at all to pretend to be a tree hugger, creating more greewashing slogans like "clean coal". Just talk about God'sLove, Trusted Trust. The Profit sanctifies our actions!


Salt the Lexicon

Repo rate, trade deficit, B2B exchange, C-suite, face amount, jettison, Macaulay duration, nagware, quantitative easing, rack rent, T-bond, ultra vires, x-efficiency...
How is a consumer of the third millennium supposed to love the Market when business' lexicon is so weird? We deserve more, we have the right to feel good when speaking about anything shopping or profit related. The Globalised One wants to hold contact with our Soul, that is intrinsically economicistic.

Our best poets had to stick with foregone themes for centuries, why only communist countries put the arts at community's service?


Free will VS Profit

The "Free will" fable has led lots of humans -usually young people- to believe they can really do whatever they wish of their life, ignoring that reality is different.

Profit is the golden rule behind every choice we make. Usually, only later in life we discover that "Profit" is our most precious struggle, and it drives the choices of all the other humans too, hippies included.

Profit is the way God lets us know He likes his creation; through it, God validates the Market.

Being profitable is what proves our personal value, while pretending to have a "free will" makes you live suspended on the void, where the "will" itself denies its existance. How can you make the difference by deciding, when the outcome of your choice is as meaningless as black void?

But being profitable is not for everyone: it requires knowledge, skills, a focused mind. It allows you to get yourself acquired, so that you can validate the Market with your own Soul and life.


Democracy or Market?

"Democracy", how overestimated is it.
Now look, the following are the people "democratically designated" by USA consumers to govern their country:

What do you see?
I see no democracy, just Market. These people didn't change their mind, as no one could do it so quickly about a serious problem. No, they didn't even need to have an idea about "SOPA/PIPA", they just understood what was more profitable to second, in that moment. This is the Market of power.

Market Miracles

Sometimes I challenge myself with questions like these:

If an unregulated behavior wouldn't allow cohabitation within a modern community, can an unregulated Market be intrinsically good for us?

If men's self-regulation is not enough for living together in complex societies, is a self-regulated Market compatible with democracy?

"Yes", to both questions. Any uneducated, primitive man knows in his heart what Market is. Market exists from the dawn of mankind, thousands of years before "democracy", and it'll survive after its end.

Let them eat Ice Cream Sandwich

Recession is not good for many. But thanks to digital gadgets, there'll be no more need for our leaders, to say:

"No bread? Let them eat cake" (S'ils n'ont plus de pain, qu'ils mangent de la brioche)

In fact, digital gadgets all-day-long fruition, can now satisfy people enough to reduce their daily food consumption, with a great  relief for the planet Earth. Adult contents everywhere can also do their part on reducing sexual intercourses, and population's growth rate.

That's why the traditional Religions have to be reformed to accept this truth. For mankind's sake.


Overpopulation as an opportunity

Today's news: the Earth is now full.
Put your emptiness on the Market.

Principles of economics, pt. I

  • Scattering your costs all over the society is sharing your sins with your brothers and sisters. Sometimes our Soul needs it.
  • Buying people's choices is rewarding them for their unawareness: a compassionate gesture.
  • Whatsoever cannot be sold or bought, is not related to freedom.

Sell Yourself

I buy, so I am.
If I buy you, I am you,
so the Other's within me when I buy him.

Let the Other be yourself, put yourself on sale.

Memento Emere Semper

Emo Ergo Sum.

The revealed Truth about Market

There's nothing but God.
Everything is in God, from the principle to the end. Time itself is the way we perceive God, the way He reveals and gives Himself to us: a piece at a time, a piece for anyone, because He's too great for even just conceiving Him.

Every society is about Market. The more globally interconnected the Market, the more you experience God thru the different Markets, that now become One. The One Market is open and it's becoming the only universal institution: every man participates it, wearing different roles, and no one is left out; even when the only thing you possess is your naked body, you're in the Market for someone's needs.

Would you doubt that God is everything, and that He's free?

No. That's why 'Market fundamentalism' is just an oxymoron: Market is by definition as free as man's heart and mind.
There's a 'Free market' critic who used first the 'Market fundamentalism' expression, his name's George Soros. Hilarious: a proof of how paradoxical is the act of denying Market's greatness.

Truth is revealed: you are a total consumer of the Holy.

1% is not enough

The top one percent in Britain have a minimum estimated wealth of £2.6 million per person, while the poorest ten percent have less than £8,800 per person (cars included). In other words, the poorest member of the one percent is almost 300 times wealthier then the richest member of the ten percent (London School of Economics, 2010).

You can't feed the Market with that 1%. We must do something about it.


Consumerist commandments: consume diem


  • I will celebrate the Market everyday.
  • I will profit and be profitable. Profit validates the Market, like being profitable validates me
  • I am allowed to consume anything, as much as I wish. Through the Market I know Lord's greatness, so I buy it.
  • I am free to consume what others didn't. There's only "here and now": consume diem.

Practical guidelines:

  • Every Mart is my home and it saves me from boredom.
  • Landfills and incinerators save me from being a sinner, as throwing is necessary.
  • I'll celebrate every Black Friday for the Lord.
This post is in fieri. 

the new iPad

What a great event is this.

I'm sorry to see shorter queues in the shops than previous years, but the hype is still here, and no matter what haters will say: it deserves your money.

Your previous iPad 2 sports a very shameful screen, how can you take it around with you now, when this new iPad has more pixels than your hdtv? No matter if you have nothing to show on it, you'll download every kind of stuff for it.

No, the 16GB won't go, usually it's meant for poor people, but this time it can't be enough even for the, because of the Hi-Res contents.

Thank you oh Lord, for I can have another new iPad.

Semper buy

Semper fidelis to the Consume God